Guide to Purchasing Potty Training Books

Every mom has to do it. Every child has to learn it.

It’s the ever-confusing, intimidating task of — POTTY TRAINING!


Every mom has to do it. Every child has to learn it.

It’s the ever-confusing, intimidating task of—POTTY TRAINING!

Millions of moms and caretakers have gone through this training and learning period. They want to share their experiences with you, and you want to get all the wisdom you can gain from a pro-potty trainer. Much of this valuable and helpful knowledge are found in books and eBooks. Check out your local bookstore, baby store, the Web or the library for these priceless instructional and creative basins of knowledge.

Before you race to your car or the internet to find the perfect instruction manual, consider these things to look for in a potty training book:

  • Is it a book you can read to your child? Children love parents to read to them. Why not begin the concept of potty training with a book during story time? Make the concept exciting and pick a book that will be appealing to read together.
  • Does it have colorful pictures? Kids love colors and different designs to grab their visual attention. Take advantage of this desire and provide a colorful book about the process of potty training.
  • Does it have step-by-step pictures? Choose a book that easily portrays the process of going to the toilet in the most tasteful manner as possible. Choosing animal characters may be a little bit more comfortable for certain families. One favorite puppet character, Elmo, is used in many potty training books. These types of books can be used for both boys and girls.
  • Does it come with fun accessories? A large quantity of children’s books that teach the concept of potty training come with stickers, coloring sheets or other fun things. These added items can be used as rewards during the training process and make it a more enjoyable experience for your little one.

Now that you have an idea of what toddler-friendly books you are looking for, let’s discuss mom-friendly books.

Some of the best experts on potty training issues are moms. Some of them have trained so many children proficiently that a PhD in potty training should be awarded to those mothers. Seek out books that are written by mothers rather than professionals that do not have any children. Though the professionals may have a few good ideas, they may not have dealt first-hand with the situation. Mothers have and may discuss in their books some of the actual hang-ups you and your toddler are experiencing at this moment.

“When I was potty training my first child, I learned one of the best potty training tips ever from a mother of four kids. She encouraged me to put away the pull-ups and diapers and just let my son go around in the house in his underwear. This sped up the training process dramatically. He learned what it felt like when he needed to urinate, and he learned the consequences of not getting to the toilet on time,” relays one mother emphatically.

Many mothers just like the helpful one mentioned above have taken their knowledge and put it in book or ebook form. You can read those and learn from their mishaps and victories. In fact, I know just one AWESOME book to recommend. It’s an Amazon top-seller right now and the tips in there have helped so many moms — including me!

This mom-to-mom potty training guide is called “How to Potty Train in a Weekend”. Yep. One weekend! Becky, the mom who has successfully potty-trained her kiddos, is sharing all her secret tips with you. It’s definitely worth the investment and time to buy and read this book. You really should try her potty-training tips. They work!

When choosing potty-training books, also consider the medical side of things. Some health and mental problems can make potty training even more difficult. Scan through the chapters of the book to see if any of them address these real-life issues that affect potty-training a toddler.

“I never knew my son had a hernia until I started potty-training him. He had so many accidents and was really frustrated that he was not progressing in training. He could never fully empty his bladder and this caused many accidents and a very slow learning process. After taking him to a urologist, we realized he had a medical condition that affected his ability to potty-train,” says another mom.

After you pick out the perfect book or instructional article, remember this: never give up in this training process. Endeavor to make this a fun learning experience for your little one!

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