Do You Know a Mom Who’s Hurting?
The mom who just had a miscarriage.
The mom who found out her mother has cancer.
The mom whose husband decided to leave her and the kids — for good.
The mom who is struggling with health issues.
All of those moms are hurting, and they need encouragement.
They need a hug and they need someone to care.
Why not be that someone?
It’s Difficult to Know How To Help the Mom Who’s Hurting!
Should you call the mom who is hurting?
What would you say?
Should you go visit her?
Does she want to be alone?
All of those questions seem to go through our minds and sometimes those very doubts keep us from doing what we should do — and that is help.
I remember at a certain difficult time in my life that it seemed the world was silent.
No phone calls, no help and lots of emotions.
Finally one friend decided to jump in and give some love.
She told me she had waited to come over because she assumed others were visiting me and helping me get things sorted out.
But, in reality, no one had came.
Not one single person.
She was so sorry when she saw how desperately I needed help — and help she did.
It was through her love and care that I was able to get back up and function normally in just a few days.
She Helped a Mom who was Hurting.
(If you’re reading this, thanks Amanda M. Love you!)
Sometimes financial situations convince us we cannot help a hurting mom, but that is simply not true.
It doesn’t cost a lot of money to bake some brownies for a mom, offer to baby-sit, run some errands for her, or help her tidy the house.
It doesn’t cost lots of money to call her and chat about this difficult time in her life.
Most of the time, a hurting mom needs someone to show they care above anything else.
During my journey of motherhood, I have experienced four miscarriages.
My first and third were the toughest.
But, I distinctly remember getting a card in the mail from an older lady who wrote a heart-felt note.
It probably cost her less than $1.50 to send that card, yet is was priceless to me.
It held the words I needed to hear …
Those words helped me cry the tears that needed to be cried in order to recover from this precious loss.
Some people barely acted like anything happened, but that one lady knew a mom was hurting and she jumped in and tried to help.
Oh dear moms, you have a wonderful opportunity — even a ministry — to encourage hurting moms all around you.
If you look hard enough, you’ll find them.
Whatever you do, don’t stand by and expect others to encourage those hurting moms, because they just may not do it.
Each mom has different needs, and sometimes you can’t know what those are.
But here are some simple, thoughtful ways you can help a mom who’s in a difficult situation!
How to Encourage a Mom Who’s Hurting
Call her.
It’s simple, but it can really lift a mom’s spirits to know another mom cares.
Take a few minutes and check on her and listen to her story!
Offer a listening ear and encouraging words!
Invite her over.
Sometimes a mom who’s in a difficult situation will enjoy the opportunity for fellowship and relaxation in someone else’s home.
Bake a batch of cookies, prepare a platter of cheese, meat and crackers and have hot tea and coffee ready.
Just a simple mom-to-mom chat and snack can be so refreshing!
Pray for her family.
Though that mom can’t see you praying, she’ll reap the benefits from your prayers!
And you can always send her a note to let her know you’re thinking and praying for her.
Write her a note.
Mail her a sweet note, maybe a bookmark or other small thoughtful item that can fit in a letter and let her know you care.
Want to reach out quicker?
Send her an email or Facebook message!
Offer to drop off a meal.
Sometimes the simplest things can be a HUGE blessing.
What a comfort it is for a mom sometimes to know dinner is well taken care of and she can focus on healing, recovering and gaining emotional strength through her difficult time.
Stop by.
Bring a thoughtful gift, something to cheer her up, and stop by to see how she is doing.
Knowing you took the time to say hello means so much to a mom in need!
Offer to baby-sit.
Depending on your mom friend’s needs, sometimes just offering to baby-sit her munchkins for a few hours can work wonders!
Ask if you can help tidy the house.
If someone is having a hard time in their life, many times it is easy to get behind in housework.
Offer to freshen up the house, fold a few loads of laundry, vacuum, etc. or anything that can change the atmosphere of her home.
Light a yummy smelling candle and open the shades to really add some happy touches to the atmosphere!
Get others involved.
If that mom who is hurting has a very big financial need, try recruiting some friends to help.
I had a friend whose husband was injured and unable to work.
That, of course, put the family in very bad financial straits.
My heart broke, as I wasn’t financially able to make a huge difference.
As I chatted with a friend about how we could help, she got a brilliant idea!
She asked the school where her daughter attended to do a food drive as a National Honor Society project for the family.
It worked!
We showed up on their door step with several MONTHS worth of food — meat, cheeses, fruits, breads, canned goods — so much!
She had to clean out her closets to make room for the food!
The family was thrilled and the relief I saw on my friend’s face was so rewarding!
For bigger needs, ask a large group of friends to all chip in.
You may be surprised at what a HUGE difference you can make!
What can you do this week to encourage another mom?
Take a few minutes and think of a mom who needs some encouragement this week.
Reach out to her and show you care.
One day, you may be the one needing the encouragement!