Moms, it’s that dreaded time of year again — cold and flu season. Never fear! The best way to approach this season is by being prepared. And this Printable Grocery List for Cold and Flu season will help arm and prepare you with a stockpile of essential supplies for when those sick days come.

I’d like to give big thanks to Maty’s Healthy Products for sponsoring this post and inspiring us to “rethink our medicine cabinets with whole food health alternatives!”
The fall and winter months bring a lot of wonderful things like changing leaves, pumpkin spice, freshly baked pies, mugs of hot cocoa, and of course Thanksgiving and Christmas. Unfortunately, these colder months also bring with them some not so wonderful things — the germs, colds, coughs, and sniffles that accompany cold and flu season.

One of the worst scenarios for a mom during this time of year is a sick family without the supplies to take care of everyone.
And if you’re feeling sick yourself, the last thing you want to do is run out to the store or — worse — take sick kids with you to the store. No way!
That’s why we’ve created this Printable Grocery List for Cold and Flu Season. You can print off a copy to take with you to the store on your next grocery run.
It lists key essentials you’ll need when the coughs and colds come. And, of course, the list just wouldn’t be complete without a few Maty’s Healthy Products like their organic cough syrup for both children and adults and all natural vapor rub and baby chest rub.
We even made sure to include the Maty’s Goodnight Cough Syrup on the list because one of the most helpful things, when your family is sick, is ensuring everyone gets plenty of rest.
How many times have you read a label for a medication and have not been able to recognize or even pronounce most of the ingredients? Dextromethorphan? Diphenhydramine? Naproxen Sodium? Not so easy, huh? Now try organic honey, lemon peel, peppermint essential oil, nutmeg, cloves, and even chamomile tea.
They’re all familiar ingredients that you can pronounce, right? These are just some of the whole food ingredients in the Maty’s products.
When you use Maty’s Healthy Products, you’re combating the symptoms of cold and flu with products that there’s no need to worry about side effects, drug interactions or taking too much!
Now that’s something that a mom can breathe easy about! Every spoonful is packed with 10 natural immune boosters that help you and your family get back to feeling your best.