Printable Teacher Appreciation Cards

Cards for Teacher Appreciation Week

Simple, hand-lettered cards are the perfect addition to any gift!

And they’re super easy. (Plus, we’ve made it even easier with these printable cards you can quickly make!)

Simple hand-lettered teacher appreciation cards

When someone takes enough time to teach our kids all 52 of the sight words they need to learn in kindergarten, they deserve a closet full of gifts! :)

With beautiful strokes of the pen, we’re creating hand-lettered cards to gift to teachers at the start of a new school year.

Pairing the hand-lettered cards with a few pens — or a whole pack — makes this a perfect gift idea.

Easy teacher appreciation cards kids can make

This project is a simple way for moms and kids to take a few minutes to show teachers a thoughtful gesture of appreciation during the “back to school” season!

Whether your intended recipient is a classroom teacher, Sunday school teacher, piano teacher, or a homeschool co-op teacher this is a cute gift idea that any educator will appreciate.

Teacher appreciate cards that kids can make! #teacherappreciation #diycards #homemadegifts #handmadecards #teachers #kidcrafts

Thoughtful gifts are definitely welcome, but isn’t it wonderful when a gift is also practical?

Teachers constantly need pens!

They’re frequently grading quizzes, tests and homework.

Writing little notes to parents.

Marking attendance.

And writing thank you notes for all the teacher appreciation gifts — wink, wink!

What’s a teacher gift without a handmade tag or card?

Adding our hand-lettered notes and tags makes gifting pens (or any other gifts) a memorable occasion!

Easy hand-lettered teacher appreciation cards kids can make!

And guess what?

You don’t even have to be an expert at hand-lettering to create these beautiful creations.

We like to keep activities and crafts super simple for parents and kids!

You can grab a super simple template below!

Is it just me or do educators love puns?

My husband and I are homeschool parents and both of us were school teachers many moons ago.

And guess what?

teacher appreciation card

We love puns too!

They always give us the giggles — even when they’re so punny it’s pitiful!

With expressions like “write on” and “stu-PEN-dous,” these tags are perfect to give to a teacher who needs some extra puns to laugh about!

Here’s how we put together these hand-lettered cards!

How to Create Simple, Hand-lettered Teacher Appreciation Cards


  • Assorted Gel Pens
  • printable template
  • scissors
  • ribbon, yarn, or twine
  • hole punch (optional)


  1. Download the gift tag template. Print as many as you need.
  2. Cut the tags out.
  3. One of the tags has been left blank giving you the option to hand-letter your own message on it. To make things super easy, the other three tags have messages already written out. Simply trace and color along the gray lines to make cute hand-lettered cards. You can even get the kids involved in this step.
  4. Tie a few pens together with a tag or attach a tag to a whole pack. The choice is yours! A hole punch makes it easier to attach the tags.
  5. Give the card and pen sets to the deserving teachers you know.

Now it’s your turn!

It’s a great way to tap into your creative side while also spreading a little kindness!