Ready to Organize and Get Rid of Clutter in Your Child’s Bedroom?
I’m all about getting rid of clutter!
Clutter only causes stress, loss of money and can even make you habitually late to events!
Who knew clutter was such a big deal?!
Many times when you enter a child’s room, that is exactly what you see.
Bookshelves are often bulging with disorganized books that are crammed into every millimeter of space.
Unworn clothes, and greatly ignored toys, litter the floor of a cluttered kid’s room.
Definitely not a welcome appeal to anyone — even kids!
One simple trait of a no-fuss kid’s room is very little clutter.
We Americans are infamous for our clutter.
If you’re one of the typical families that struggle in this area, we also have a Freedom from Clutter guide you can check out here.
We want to help!
I have heard people publicly jab American parents for clutter that surrounds the kid’s toy room or bedroom.
Those same critics proclaim that the clutter even spills into the hall and living areas.
And sadly, it’s absolutely true.
However, it doesn’t have to be that way! There is help!
Every time our family stops our normal daily grind and takes time to reevaluate the clutter of our entire home, we realize that there is a difference between just enough, more than enough, and overly excessive “enough.”
Once we truly realize what is excessive for our family, we’re able to purge, de-clutter and we walk away from our excessive items with a feeling of freedom and serenity.
And I want my kids to have that feeling every time they come into their own bedroom.
Give Your Child a Clutter Free Bedroom
I want them to find a quiet, clean, comfortable space that they can completely unwind in.
(And if you want to know the truth of why your child’s room is always a mess, we share the most common reasons for a messy kid’s room here!)
And we don’t create that type of room for our children by pouring thousands of dollars into gorgeous decor or the newest computers and video games.
We create a welcoming, tidy, and non-stressful atmosphere when we help them rid their bedrooms of clutter.
Why should our kids enjoy a clutter-free room?
- Less frequency of lost items.
- Less stress.
- Less cleaning needed.
- Less stress.
- Kids have a better appearance as stained or ill-fitted clothing is tossed to the wind.
- Kids are not overwhelmed by stuff.
- Less stress.
- Kids become more creative.
- Less stress.
- Kids become more thankful and careful with their items.
These simple steps will have your child’s bedroom breathable, tidy and even relaxing.
Simple Tips for a Clutter-free Kids Room
Clutter free tip #1: Throw out the unused or unwanted items.
Go through the clothes, toys, books, blankets and every single item in your child’s room.
If you haven’t used it in six months or more, get rid of it.
Donate it, trash it or sell it — just get it out!
We have a rule about toys. If they are broken, ugly or not taken care of properly, they are gone.
We also have a Toy Switcharoos Plan that works wonders!
They realized that “take care of your stuff.” wasn’t just a suggestion — it was a rule — with consequences.
Clutter-Free Tip #2: Set a limit.
Your kids do not need an exorbitant amount of toys, shoes or clothes.
There becomes a point when you are spending extravagantly and wasting money, space, and resources.
Set a limit for the amount of clothing and toys allowed per child.
Stick to it and get rid of items until you reach that limit.
Clutter-Free Tip #3: Do routine clutter check-ups.
Grandparents and friends may send a little gift or two your way.
Do periodic checks to keep your “stuff” under control.
Before birthdays and holidays are the best time to do major decluttering.
For routine de-cluttering, I try to do routine clutter check-ups every three months.
We go through books, shoes, toys, clothes, accessories….everything!
It’s astounding how much clutter and plain old junk can build up in three super short months.
Taking time to de-clutter always gives our home a fresh feeling!
Clutter-Free Tip #4: Don’t purchase items you don’t really need.
If your child doesn’t really need ten pairs of shoes, don’t buy them!
Of course, we have already started to get rid of stuff, but some moms find it difficult to get rid of stuff that costs them time and money.
I can relate to this as I love finding great deals and making wise purchases.
It feels good to find a good deal, but it’s not a good deal if you don’t need it!
Invest your money in things you do need and walk away from items you will never use — no matter how cheap it is!
Clutter-Free Tip #5: Keep seasonal items packed away.
Grab some high quality storage bins or organizers and label your seasonal clothing and accessories.
Keep your child’s clothing items organized so they’re not all scrambled up in storage!
What are your Best Decluttering tips?
Share them with us on Facebook!
We love hearing your amazing ideas!
*Affiliate links have been added to help you declutter your child’s bedroom like a GENIUS!