Bringing a tiny human being into this world is quite an exhausting job.
New moms have been waiting for their babies for nine, very long months.
And yes, there are tips new moms wish you knew before visiting the newborn baby — but not all of them are brave enough to tell you!
As a mom of six kids, I remember how tense it can be when a new baby was born.
Emotions were all over the place — and they’re not all coming from the new mom.
A new mom has to protect her gorgeous newborn baby, but she also has to be sensitive to family and friends.
What’s the right balance?
I can’t be there for every mom who has a newborn baby, but I can do my part and spread the word in my comfy space on the internet.
Mom blogging is more than a business; it’s an opportunity to make a mom’s journey of motherhood even better!
So, let’s dig in and chat about what you should know before visiting a tiny, precious newborn baby!
Tips New Moms Wished You Knew Before Visiting the Newborn Baby
#1 When Visiting a New Born Baby: Ask permission to visit.
Don’t bombard the brand new mom with endless texts or phone calls.
Let her mom or husband know you’d like to visit the new baby and family.
There’s so much going on during the first few days after a baby is born and sometimes it’s better if you just let the parents and immediate family enjoy some quiet time.
#2 When Visiting a New Born Baby: Ask Before Holding the Baby
While it’s natural to want to cuddle the baby, always ask the parents if it’s okay.
Some babies are more sensitive to strangers, and the parents know what’s best for their little one.
#3 When Visiting a New Born Baby: Respect Naptime
Newborns sleep—a lot. Be understanding if the baby is napping when you arrive.
This is an excellent opportunity to catch up with the parents and lend a hand with chores or meal prep.
#4 When Visiting a New Born Baby: Offer Help
Making meals, doing light cleaning and even baby-sitting other kids is always a welcome relief to parents of newborns.
So much is going on that it’s tough to tackle the daily tasks of a new family.
Offer to wash the car, fold laundry etc.
Every new parent can benefit from some extra sets of helping hands — be that set!
#5 When Visiting a New Born Baby: Keep the Volume Down
If you’re normally a loud talker, lower your voice a few notches when you’re visiting a newborn baby.
Babies are super sensitive during those first few months — and mom may be too!
#6 When Visiting a New Born Baby: Be Patient
Babies can be unpredictable, and they might cry or fuss during your visit. Stay patient and understanding.
The parents will appreciate your empathy.
They’re adjusting to parenting a new baby, living on little sleep, and trying to figure out a routine for themselves.
#7 When Visiting a New Born Baby: Don’t Wear Out Your Welcome
Keep your visit relatively short, especially during the first few weeks when the parents are adjusting to their new routine.
#8 When Visiting a New Born Baby: Avoid Strong Scents
Perfumes and fragrances can be overwhelming for a newborn.
Opt for a fragrance-free option or go light on the scent.
Even if you’re bringing gifts that could be scented (food, lotions, baby items), keep a close eye on fragrance.
#9 When Visiting a New Born Baby: Don’t Bring a Crowd
Limit the number of visitors you bring along.
A small, intimate gathering is less overwhelming for the baby and parents.
#10 When Visiting a New Born Baby: Don’t Compare Babies
Avoid making comparisons between the newborn and other babies you know.
Each baby develops at their own pace, and such comparisons can add unnecessary stress to the parents.
#11 When Visiting a New Born Baby: Avoid Bringing Pets
Leave your pets at home.
Even if you have the most well-behaved dog or cat, it’s best not to introduce additional animals into the baby’s environment.
You would think this would not need to be said, (And this is coming from dog owner!) but some people are totally ok with bringing their pets into your home.
Don’t be one of those people.
#12 When Visiting a Newborn Baby: Be thoughtful about your choice of gifts.
If mom and baby are at the hospital, remember that any gifts they receive have to be carried home.
Over-sized stuffed animals are not the most convenient thing to squish into a car on your first ride home with a new baby.
Keep gifts simple, but practical.
Choose gift cards to restaurants, healthy food packages, bath salts, body balms, chap stick, homemade goodies, new comfy socks, and even an eye mask so mom can catch some winks during the day.
If you take the time to visit the family of the newborn baby at the new parents’ home, make sure you bring a little gift or two.
Cupcakes, meals, coffee, diapers, wipes, smoothies etc. are always good choices!
It’s difficult for a new mom and dad to get out of the house.
Bringing a few of their favorite drinks or snacks is a super-nice touch. And if you want some super-awesome free gifts to take to the new mom and baby, you can snag some here!
Plus, if you’re short on time, you can send gifts via Instant Cart. Here’s a $30 referral code to get you started. Use code AWOODFEC3141AA to grab your discount!
#13 When Visiting a Newborn Baby: Ask about bringing your kids in advance.
Some new moms are fine with you bringing a few of your kids.
Other moms are super careful about germs and noises.
Ask beforehand what the new mom and dad prefer and honor their decision!
#14 When Visiting a Newborn Baby: Sanitize your hands.
I always dive for the sink when I’m greeting a new little one.
It’s proper to always welcome a new baby with clean hands, just in case you get hold the little bundle!
#15 When Visiting a Newborn Baby: Don’t visit if you’re sick.
A sore throat, a few sniffles or a cough should make you re-think visiting the newborn baby.
Send your well wishes another way and wait until you’re healthy again to visit.
The parents will thank you for putting their baby’s health first!
#16 When Visiting a Newborn Baby: Don’t offer parenting tips.
This is a new phase for parents, don’t flood them with your advice and views on parenting, breast-feeding and vaccines.
Just let the parents navigate this new journey and if they need advice help — they’ll ask!
#17 When Visiting a Newborn Baby: Don’t Take Things Personal
If the new parents forget to invite you over or seem a little bit irritable or tired, don’t take it personal.
They are adjusting to so many new things. Just focus on being a blessing to them and let them recuperate!
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Bottle-feeding Mistakes Every Mom Makes
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Are there any other tips you would add to the list?
Let’s chat about it in our
All Things Mommy group on Facebook! See you there!