How to Be a FUN Mom
“Mom, you’re SILLY…and FUN!”
Don’t you love it when your child says that and bursts into infectious giggles?
I do too. <3
Sometimes I have to take my strict mom hat off and become a silly, fun mom.
That’s one of the secrets of truly happy moms.
But you may think, “Alison… I am soooo busy and am under a lot of stress right now. I can’t be silly! I don’t have any energy left for fun!“
Sure. I understand.
We all have stressful, over-worked seasons in our lives.
Remember when your grandparents told you life was filled with mountains and valleys?
Well, these are the valleys.
But my Grandma also told me to “Stop and smell the roses!”
Her message was clear.
No matter what the circumstance, there is beauty and happiness around us.
We just have to notice, embrace, and welcome it!
And that’s where you can find the silly mom!
Maybe your silly mom is hiding underneath the stresses of balancing your budget.
Maybe she’s hiding underneath the busyness of juggling a house, kids, and a marriage.
But she’s in there…<3
And your kids are the BEST at bringing her out!
Guess what?
Once you find your silly mom, you won’t want to let her go!
You’ll find that your kids are not the only ones laughing and smiling — but you are too!
“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” Proverbs 17:22
The best medicine for your family right now is a mom who knows how to enjoy life!
Now — let’s chat about the HOW of the silly mom adventure!
12 Incredibly Fun Ways to be a FUN Mom
Fun MOM TIP #1: Use your imagination.
Kids don’t have to have ANY toys to have a fun and silly time.
Check out our quiet games for kids, our 25 epic family games for family night (those come with printables), our 25 Fun Ways to play with kids, and even our outdoor games for families.
Fun MOM TIP #2: Don’t worry about the mess.
Ok, well, you should worry a little, but not too much.
Build some tents with your kids, have a food fight, pop balloons, make foot and hand-prints on paper and make some messy, silly memories — those are the best kind!
When all the silliness and giggles are over, you can all clean up together.
It doesn’t take that long to fold sheets and place the large, heavy books back on the shelf after a tent building contest!
Fun MOM TIP #3: Get wet!
Playing in the water is some silly, crazy fun.
Pull out the sprinklers, the water toys, and you can even make your own DIY waterpark!
Definitely consider water-gun painting!
So fun!
Fun MOM TIP #4: Turn off the screen.
It’s true.
Screen time zaps our creativity and activity levels as a mom.
It’s very tempting to just relax at the end of the day and shut your kids out, but they need some silly time with you just as much you need stress-busters.
Fun MOM TIP #5: Start a war.
Tickle wars, food fights, playing card wars, pillow fights, and more!
Nothing like teaming up and having some silly competitive fun with your kids.
Just keep it simple and friendly!
Fun MOM TIP #6: Get ready, get set — RACE!
We have some of the best giggles when we have races.
We do simple running races, backward races, bike races, crab-walking races, hopping races — you name it!
The other day we had three older kids pretend to be horses and the three younger kids were the jockeys — so we had a horse race!I am sure my neighbor’s heard all the giggles and silliness going on at our house!
Fun MOM TIP #7: Stay animated.
For your tiny tykes, taking time to read them stories with an animated voice automatically wins you the silly mom title.
You can also talk to them with silly accents.
My girls and I try to imitate the English accent quite often.
When my husband isn’t in earshot, we pretend we are English people while we are grocery shopping.
Most of the people who shop in our neck of the world are not from America, so we think our accents fit in quite well!
Don’t like fake accents?
Try some silly words!
One fun day I decided to call the kids “darling” every time they addressed me.I always answered, “Yes, darling?”
“Sure, darrrrliiiing.“
They started asking me questions just to hear me say “darling.”
It’s the little, silly things that count!
Host a chocolate milk party!
Most kids don’t like hot tea, so serve chocolate milk instead!
Have fun toppings available like whipped cream, sprinkles and marshmallows to make it really special!
You can go even further and send them a handwritten invitation!
Be unpredictable.
Think of something crazy spontaneous!
Tell your kids to eat dessert first, wear their pajamas all day, jump on the beds, have your kids put you to bed, tell them to play in the dirt, and anything else that is out of the norm for your family.
Unpredictability adds spice back into your life and let’s your kids know you’re not all work and no play!
Go for a drive — in your pajamas!
Get your kids ready for bed a little earlier than usual, and instead of going to bed, tell them you’re going on a pajama drive!
You can grab a quick drive-thru treat in your jammies too!
Do an opposite weather day!
If it’s cold, pretend it’s hot.
Grab out any summer-related items and plan some weather-related fun!
If it’s hot, pretend it’s cold and build a pretend snowman, drink hot chocolate, cuddle up with big blankets and even watch some winter movies!
Totally fun!
Play different variations of Tag!
Did you know there are oodles of variations to this game?!
It’s super simple too!
We do “Animal” freeze tag, “Movie”freeze tag, “Favorite Songs” freeze tag, “Food” freeze tag, “Super Hero” freeze tag. etc.
Just get out there and play with your kids!
Change up the variations super often for a more giggly and challenging game!
Do yourself and the kids a favor today and be a fun mom.
Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.
Your secret is safe with me!
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