I’ve been a full-time homemaker for almost 15 years. During these years of homemaking I have found creative, real ways to earn money from home. Why? Because I enjoy being staying at home full-time so I am always there my when family needs me. I don’t have to re-schedule outside commitments to help my husband in an emergency. When my kids are sick, many times I am able take most of the day cuddling them and bringing them special snacks and treats. The laundry can wait until tomorrow.
I think the choice of staying home full-time has blessed our family in more ways than we can count, but we have had to make financial sacrifices to ensure our family could indeed live on one income. But, then special situations would come up and it would be very handy if I had some extra cash saved from some opportunities that I found to make money from home. Some have been small, and some have been substantial. And today, I am spilling it all. I am giving all the details of what I do and also what has worked for other homemakers like you.
It’s important that homemakers have the option of earning money. It gives us the freedom and flexibility to treat our families or take financial pressure off of our husbands. It also helps us prepare a more business-like mind that may be needed if our we are left alone without someone to provide for us. It keeps us in touch with the business management side of living so if we become the sole provider for our family one day, it’s not a complete head-spinning experience.
Does that ever cross your mind? I have to admit that it does mine. When I look at my children, I desire to provide them the happiest home in the entire world. Yes, money does not bring happiness, but it takes money to live, eat and become educated. My kids look to my husband and I to provide for them and I don’t want to be wringing my hands without a way to provide for them if one day I do become the sole provider. I want my kids to know that their parents are willing to work hard and sacrifice material possessions and leisure time in order to provide for them.
Did you know there are other homemakers out there who are working from home to earn money for their families? I have some good friends who are earning well-paid, full-time incomes straight form the comfort of their homes.
So yes, you can have your cake and eat it too!
Best Ways for Homemakers to earn Money
- Baby-sit. There are many moms out there who, by choice or by situation, work outside the home full-time. Many of them prefer one person to care for their child for stability, trust and famililarity reasons. A homemaker with small children is also ideal so their child has playmates! It’s a great way to make some extra income without leaving your home or kids.
- Become a tutor. If you know a child struggling in school, offer tutoring servies to the family in an area of academics you are great in. You could offer to pick up the child from school and tutor them at your home until the parents get off work. Parents may go for this for many reasons — their child is getting extra educational help and have adult supervision from someone they trust.
- Teach! Are you skilled at the piano, sewing, knitting, cooking, baking, decorating cakes or art? You can offer classes or private lessons at your home. In the past I would only teach piano and voice during my children’s naptimes because there was no one else to step in and watch them for a few hours. If your kids are on a naptime routine or schedule, this can be done. But, I was giving up that free leisure time of mine to invest in earning income. Try it just a few days a week, and if you are able to, you can always increase it to 4 times per week later.
- Learn to Skype and Facetime. Did you know that some kids are now taking private lessons via Skype or Facetime? This makes it easier for you to teach them lessons in the evening after your kids have gone to bed. Or you could plan a quiet activity for the kids while you taught a student via webcam. I still prefer in-person lessons, but it’s still possible to have profitable lessons via webcam. In fact, it would enable you to teach kids outside your city or state…or even other moms that wanted to learn a certain skill that you have mastered. Think of your talents, and use them to earn income!
Oh, and before I move on, definitely check out my
Smart WAHM course that helps you uncover your talents and abilities and teaches you exactly how to turn that into a dependable income! The course comes with 22 lessons with actionable tasks and printables to keep you motivated, on track and on the road to a successful work at home mom career. You also get exclusive access to a private Facebook group where other moms share the best of the best WAHM tips! Want three free lessons to wet your appetite? Sign up here!
Moving on…
- Start writing. Do you love to read magazines and books about parenting, marriage and pregnancy? Do you love to spend hours chatting with your friends about “all things mom” related? Then you may be a good fit for a parenting writer. I started over two years ago writing for online parenting and frugal living websites. I wrote up a resume, wrote several sample articles and scoured the web for websites that were looking or hiring writers. It took some research and time to find the right fit, but in a few weeks I had a job that lasted for one year. Then, I was able to build my own website and quit writing for other people and write for myself. Want to get started? During some quiet time today, just start writing about something that inspires you in parenting. Save it, review it, tweak it and then share it with someone. If you want more ideas about how to land a writing job, email me at the contact address on this site. I will be happy to help you out!
- Look around your home. When things got super-tight financially at our house I would look around and find objects I didn’t necessarily need, but would sell at a reasonable price. Home decor, baby equipment, gently used clothing — anything that you don’t absolutely love or need can be considered perfect for selling. You can sell on Facebook, Craigslist or reach out to a resell or consignment store near you. Listia is also a great place to sell, and if you sign up here, you’ll get an extra 1,000 credits to get you started! During the summer, yard sales do quite well in certain areas of the country. And don’t forget the huge consignment sales at your local expo center!
- Buy and re-sale. See something super-cheap on ebay, Amazon, a thrift store or a yard sale? Buy it, then re-sell it. YOu can easily build up your own online re-sell shop!
- Make your own products. I have a friend who is doing quite well crocheting beautiful blankets, hats, hairbows and more items. Her business also helped her blog, which is earning income too! It does take a while to build up, but if you invest your time, efforts and brain-power into some of your own products and marketing those products, you can have a home-based business to help support your family financially. And don’t worry, if starting your own business seems
- Offer hair-cutting services. This is a perfect opportunity for a mom who has some experience in the hair and beauty world. I have know several moms who turned a small area in their house to a mini-salon. They offered haircuts and styling at a discounted price — without leave their comfy home!
- Learn to coupon efficiently. One of the gurus of effective couponing is Crystal Paine from Money-saving Mom. Her Grocery University course in available in the bundle above where she talks about learning the ins and outs of couponing. You can start by checking out this huge resource of coupons. There’s also a Etsy or Teachers Pay Teachers.
- Offer your laundry skills. As silly as it sounds, some people would jump at the opportunity to have someone wash, fold and iron their laundry who charges less than commercial cleaners. To get people interested, offer a free wash and fold so they can see how awesome you are at getting the laundry just perfect! After you reach out to family and friends, branch out to others — like neighbors, Make a simple and cheap business card to help people have your information at their fingertips!
- Offer to clean homes. Having a trusted friend come in and clean your home is a stress reliever. Many busy parents would love this opportunity, and would probably love having the chance to invest in helping out another friend financially. If you do go this route, make sure you give it your best. Learn all the best cleaning tips before working on someone else’s house, and always be professional about it — on time, efficient and dependable.
- Become a virtual assistant. I have been offered this job a few times, but never took it. However, I have chatted with several moms who made part-time and full-time incomes being a virtual assistant. You can sign up with companies like Elance. It’s a reputable company and can connect you with a company or individual who will be interested in your skills. Some jobs include handling email lists, writing content, editing photos, answering phone calls and the list goes on. It’s definitely something to look in if you are needing more stable income as many companies hire full-time virtual assistants — and most income-earning bloggers have at least one!
What are your best money-making tips for homemakers? Share them with us on social media!
*Affiliate links have been added to help you find some money-making resources!*