DIY take-along racetrack is perfect for your race car lovin’ kid!
My boys love racetracks and cars, but who am I kidding? My girls do too! I even loved them when I was a kid! That’s why I LOVE this take-along racetrack that my three-year-old inspired!
Seriously, that blonde cutie in the pic inspired this simple and fun racetrack. I know he’s a genius, but let’s not tell him that quite yet…wink, wink!
A few weeks ago I was sitting with one of my daughters at the table finishing up some home-school assignments. My three-year-old woke up from his nap and quietly sat beside us.
He grabbed the lid from a tupperware container and began putting his race-cars on it for a track.
When I glanced up I thought, “That’s absolutely brilliant!”
How many times have you wished you could just wrap up that huge race car track of your kiddos and bring it to Grandma’s house for them to play with?
Though this racetrack is on a much smaller scale, it makes traveling with a race car track absolutely doable.
What mom doesn’t love transporting toys in a container so it’s easy clean-up when it’s time to leave? I’m bad about shoving matchbox cars, trains and other things-that-go into my purse or diaper bag right before we leave the house.
When we are getting ready to return home, I toss them in my purse or diaper bag and forget about them.
Anddd…about two weeks later I’m frantically digging through my purse to find my son’s beloved white race car. Keeping his cars in this take-along racetrack has been so much easier!
Now, I have a perfect way my son can carry his cars on his own!
And he can always have a portable racetrack that’s ready for play!
I have always been a friend of store-bought take-along toys, so I am definitely a fan of any, cheap DIY take-along toys!
Note to parents: not all storage containers will work for this diy take-along racetrack.
I used collapsibles because they have a few raised lips on them that make a perfect track — plus they are round! They come in a variety of sizes and are pretty cheap online. You can grab a discounted one here!
I have used this tupperware for many years and now my son is using it for his race-cars that are near and dear to his little heart.
Ready to try this super, simple racetrack? You can probably figure out how to make it from the pics, but if not, here are the detailed instructions!
Materials needed:
Collapsible container (or other round tupperware that has indentions)
one small roll of yellow decorative washi-tap
one permanent marker
lots of small cars or trains (like mini matchbox cars)
Create track by drawing outside track lines with the permanent marker on the underside of the tupperware lid.
Then, create the yellow lines by cutting washi tape into thin, short strips. I made mine about one inch long and about 2 centimeters wide.
Apply those strips in-between your black track lines to create dotted lines. Now, decorate the middle anyway you like. We chose the phrase, “Ready, set go!” because my son loves to race!
Let your kiddos play for hours, and when they are all done, toss the cars inside the tupperware and put them in the toy room until you are ready to travel or play again the next day.
Great quiet time activity too!