Looking for Potty Training Rewards that Actually Work?
Potty training can be one of the most challenging milestones for parents and toddlers.
That’s why you need these crazy creative potty training rewards to make your child’s potty training journey full of giggles — instead of tears!
Have you reached potty training time and your child is screaming “diaper or bust?”
Did you successfully train your first child with ease, but your second is proving to be more challenging?
For every child, potty training can look completely different.
And just a quick note, some of these reward ideas link to products that we earn a small commission on. Thank you for supporting our family business!
Children Need a Variety of Potty Training Reward Ideas
Some are terrified to even sit on the potty in the beginning while others catch on effortlessly!
Right now we are in the midst of potty training our youngest child.
He’s needed a completely different approach than my other two.
We are working through it, and making progress though.
For him, a small piece of candy has been a huge motivator.
He needs that concrete, instant reward.
Training pants like these are a huge help too.
I’m a huge fan of these because they have refastenable sides with a comfy, all-around stretch for a great fit.
Wondering Which Potty Training Reward Might Be Best for Your Child?
Check out this creative list!
Potty Training Rewards that Work!
Potty Training Reward Idea #1: Training pants with fun prints.
We already chatted a little about my favorite version of these.
The fun designs are what get kids on board with training pants!
I encourage my son by telling him we want to keep Mickey and his friends dry!
Hey…it actually works..ha!
Potty Training Reward Idea #2: The Fun Jar!
Write down some activities your child loves to do.
Maybe it’s a trip to the park or making an easy craft.
Place the activity ideas in a jar.
When your child successfully uses the potty, allow her to choose an activity from the jar!
Potty Training Reward Idea #3: Make a lollipop tree!
Make your own lollipop tree while taping and arranging lollipops in a canister until they resemble a tree.
It’s a simple way to make candy rewards even MORE fun!
Potty Training Rewards Idea #4: Stamp it!
Each time your child successfully potties she can get a super-cool stamp!
Markers with stamps on one end are a mess-free way to reward with stamps.
Your toddler can get TWO stamps if he remembers to wash his hands without a parent’s prompting!
This instant reward is perfect for toddlers because they’re long-term memories are not-so-long…;0)
Potty Training Reward Idea #5: Take a weekly trip to the library.
Take your potty-training toddler to the library and let her look through the oodles and oodles of potty-training books.
Every time she potties, you can both curl up and read a new potty-training book!
Books are also great to encourage your toddler to sit on the potty — and stay there.
Keep a stash of library books nearby for those seemingly endless waiting minutes on the potty!
Rewards Make Potty Training Less Stressful
Potty Training Rewards Idea #6: Change the color of water!
Each time your toddler heads to the potty, let him drop in a few drops of food coloring to “magically” change the water color.
Obviously, this fun reward should be under adult supervision.
Potty Training Rewards Idea #7: Hang a sticker chart in the bathroom.
Your child can earn a sticker each time they use the potty and wash their hands.
Once their chart is full, you can reward them with a prize or other reward.
Grab a potty training sticker chart here!
Potty Training Rewards Idea #8: Build a block tower.
This is similar to the sticker chart system, but instead of stickers, you’ll be using blocks.
Colorful blocks that snap together are best, so the tower doesn’t fall apart.
Little ones can earn a block each time they go to the potty and wash their hands.
For some kids, seeing how big they can build their tower may be enough of a reward.
You can also give a prize once all of the blocks have been earned.
Potty Training Reward Idea #9: Blow some bubbles!
What kid doesn’t love bubbles?
It’s a fun and simple activity you can do inside OR outside the house.
Choose bubble containers with your child’s favorite characters — or be super-crazy and place a bubble blower in the bathroom!
Make it a fun celebration!
Potty Training Reward Idea #10: Add personal decorations.
At the end of a successful potty training day, let your child add something special to his own “potty space.”
You can decorate portable potty seats with stickers, place fun soaps in the bathroom, or add a new step-stool.
Either way, let your child know that as he succeeds in potty training, he gets to help create a “personal potty space” so that future potty visits are even more fun!
Potty Training Reward Idea #11: Place a rewards basket in plain view.
Keep your library books, cute stickers, favorite candies, and other rewards stashed away in a “potty training basket”.
The reward basket serves as a visual reminder for your child that potty training is FUN!
Potty Training Reward Idea #12: Start with squirt guns!
If your toddler is still uneasy about beginning the potty training adventure, keep squirt guns in the bathroom to let your child squirt colored water into the toilet.
To get your child excited about this reward, go ahead and give him a free turn first so he can see how much fun it is!
You can even throw in some fruit rings cereal to use as targets for the squirt guns!
Potty training doesn’t have to be a chore.
Make Potty Training Fun for Everyone with One or More of These Reward Ideas!
Don’t fret, busy mom, with consistency, rewards, praise, and a whole lot of patience, your child will be trained in no time!