Who doesn’t love an easy rainbow craft? Almost all kids are drawn to bright colors. My little student is disappointed that the color pink isn’t in the rainbow, but she still enjoyed this project. It’s a fantastic activity to go along with a Noah’s Ark lesson or unit.
Crafts are a fun way to connect with your kids. But a mom’s daily life is busy, so having a super easy craft on hand is a must! Plus, who doesn’t love easy paper plate crafts?
After you create this simple craft, you can talk about the colors of the rainbow, what clouds are made of and try to find a REAL rainbow outside! Kids always love REAL scavenger hunts, don’t they? Plus, you can make some water-filled sensory rainbow balloon balls another day and continue your rainbow discussion!
If you’re in the rainbow mood, be sure to pick out some adorable rainbow handprint silhouettes that will be perfect keepsakes for all rainbow fan!
Ready to create this super simple rainbow craft?
Instructions follow below!
Easy Rainbow Craft
paper plate
cotton balls
school glue
small piece of ribbon
yarn in the colors of the rainbow
Depending on the age of the artist, you might want to have your yarn pieces cut out ahead of time. I used six 15 inch pieces of each color. You can change the size and quantity of the pieces to suit your fancy.
Sketch a cloud shape on the paper plate and cut it out. Spread glue all over the cloud template and let your toddler go to town pushing the cotton balls on. When the glue has dried, attach a ribbon to the middle of the cloud. This will let you hang it up easily. After this, glue your yarn pieces on. This part takes quite a bit of glue. We put a layer of glue on the cloud, stuck the yarn on, and then put another layer of glue on top of the yarn to guarantee it was secure, but you could probably omit this step and be good to go. After the project is completely dry, hang it in a fun place for all to see.