My Kids Want a Happy Home, So I’m Doing This!
Happy kids are incredibly important to me.
But I know creating a happy home doesn’t happen overnight.
A happy home is the result of sacrifice, diligence, and commitment.

It’s the result of moms who are willing to be different…to be weird…and to refuse to live for self.
Kids Want Happy Homes
Several years ago I realized that moms had a ginormous influence in their homes.
In fact, I’d call it a super-power.
A gift of influence.
And…a responsibility.
And to take our responsibility seriously, we have to be resolute.
We have to stop.
And analyze our actions and attitudes.
Moms Can Give Kids Happy Homes
If you have never taken time to sit down and ponder upon some of the shortcomings in your own life, I challenge you to try it.
No one has to know about it.
We need to be honest with ourselves.
Because we’re not getting the entire truth.
On a daily basis, we’re told…
- “You’re great!”
- “You’re all your kids need!”
- “You showed up. That’s what really matters!”
- “Focus on self-care!”
Even though there is a reward for showing up every day to guide your home, that’s not how you create a happy home.
A teacher doesn’t excel in her teaching position just by showing up.
Being a mom is no different.
Moms Have to Be Intentional to Create Happy Homes
And even though I frequently trip on my mom journey…
And sometimes, I even tumble down the mom journey stairs and end up with a sprained ankle that causes me to limp for a few weeks…
But, I still desire to give my kids a happier home.
Because they get one childhood.
And I get one chance. <3
These six ways I am giving my kids a happier home is just the beginning…
Thousand of pages couldn’t contain all the little ways moms can influence their homes for the better.
May these six guidelines be the start of creating a happier home for your family!
Let’s do this together! :)
Six Ways I’m Giving My Kids a Happier Home
I’m trying to resist the urge to nag.
Motherhood is a demanding job, but so is fatherhood.
I’m trying to remember that I may have a leaky sink or uncut grass, but my husband has other responsibilities as well.
I can ask my husband to fix those things, but I’m trying to resist asking him to fix it every waking moment he’s at home.
I’m thankful he doesn’t constantly remind me there’s dishes in the sink or laundry that needs to be folded!
This stay at home mom knows there’s a lot of work to do! :)
I’ve committed myself to interact with my kids daily.
Seems simple, right?
When your kids are toddlers and babies, (here’s some happy toddler tips!) interaction isn’t something you have to be intentional about because they need you for constant care.
But when kids become school-age, things can easily change.
It’s so easy to push away the kids when things are busy and frantic…
Daily, intentional “hacks” that ensure I give my kids one-on-one time are these:
- Make phone calls and write emails after the kids are tucked in their beds.
- Answer their frequent questions.
- Sit down with each child 15 minutes before bedtime to just talk. No movies, games, cooking etc…just talking.
- Bring the kids into the kitchen and cook together.
- Fold laundry together.
I’m making time for daily exercise.
Oh yeah, this has been on my to-do list for how long now?
When I exercise (consistently) I have more energy to play with my kids and be more involved in their lives.
Busy kids need an energetic mom!
I’m inviting more people into our home.
It takes time, thought and energy to be hospitable.
It’s almost become a trend to avoid inviting people over for meals, parties, and games.
But my kids are learning so much by having people in our home on a very frequent basis.
We host couples, families and even groups up to 50 people in our home.
And they’re from all walks of life.
Our kids have learned so much from conversations and interactions with others..
And most importantly, they’ve learned how to serve others by helping me decorate, prepare food and plan games and activities.
And this has given our children a happier home!
God’s word is being read on a daily basis.
I am amazed when I see the “One Minute Bible for Women.”
What are people thinking?
How about the one-minute movie, the one-minute shopping trip, the one-minute facial, the one minute back massage or the one minute bath, etc.
To give my kids a happy home, I need uninterrupted, devoted, large chunks of time dedicated to reading the Bible.
That’s where I gain wisdom to love my kids and to put their needs and desires first.
That’s where I learn how to be a better mom..
And a better human being.
When my devotion to reading God’s word grows less fervent, that’s when I become a grumpier, frustrated and more stressed.
It’s inevitable.
Without daily time devoted to listening to God’s guidance, I’m a complete mess.
I’m watching my complaining tongue.
Do you have a complaining tongue?
Sometimes complaining becomes so bad of a habit we rarely notice we do it.
- Yeah, I can’t afford a new car right now, but I sure would like one.
- Oh great, another four years with this president.
- I’m so fat.
- Why can’t my kids be as good as the Smith kids?
- Ugh! My house is never clean!
- It’s so hot.
- It’s so cold.
- The internet is sooooo slow!
- The cashier was rude to me!
- Wow, the lines at the store are long!
I’m trying to focus on the blessings instead of the daily annoyances…and guess what?
It’s contagious!
My kids are less grumpy…
They appreciate the little things in life more…
I’m a happier mom…
And even my husband doesn’t seem frustrated when our fave coffee spot doesn’t get our drinks right.
Giving Our Kids a Happier Home Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated
If you want more, focused encouragement to create a happier home for your kids, then check out my 25 Days to a happier home ebook!
There are even printable, reminder cards available that you can keep on a keychain for some powerful reminders on how YOU can create a happier home for your family!